Why Does Fall Weather Worsen Arthritis?

For those who suffer from daily aches and joint pain, cooler temperatures can increase discomfort. Some people who are dealing with arthritis notice that their pain worsens during certain times of the year. If you find that seasonal changes are triggering arthritis flare-ups, our team at Free Body Physical Therapy can help! We can evaluate […]
How To Prevent Sports Injuries

As summer draws to an end, the fall sports season is back. Unfortunately, with the beginning of the new season, there is also an increased risk of sports injuries. There are several health benefits associated with playing sports, but sometimes these health benefits can be outweighed by being at a higher risk for injury. At […]
Physical Therapy Treatment for Neck Strains

Trying to complete tasks and navigate your daily life when dealing with neck pain can feel impossible. At Free Body Physical Therapy, we are well-versed in providing physical therapy for neck strains and will work with you to find an effective treatment option to get you back to a pain-free life. What Causes Neck Strains? […]
What Are Common Swimming Injuries?

Whether you swim competitively or as a hobby, swimming is a fun activity that keeps you in shape. Being submerged in water puts less stress on your joints than running or weightlifting would. However, injuries are still possible. At Free Body Physical Therapy, our goal is to help you stay in the pool and remain […]
How Can Athletes Stay Healthy In The Postseason?

It’s that time of year again! After a long season, many athletes are rightfully worn out and may be stricken with injuries and pain. This is a problem because the postseason is the time when athletes need to perform at their best. At Free Body Physical Therapy, our team is here to help you stay […]
Staying Injury Free This Baseball Season

Baseball season has arrived and is now well underway! Whether you root for the Cubbies or the Chisox, or are a player yourself, this is an exciting time for players to get back on the field, it’s essential to know how to stay injury-free this season. With so much strain put on their body, baseball […]
Returning to Running

If you’re a first-time runner, returning from an injury, or have taken a winter hiatus, you should be careful the first time you hit the pavement or track. If you’ve taken several months off running, it is essential that you ease back into your routine to avoid injuries. Our team at Free Body Physical Therapy […]
Balance Exercises For Fall Prevention

Being able to stay upright and walk around without issue is one of the fundamental parts of the human experience. However, not everyone is lucky enough to be able to do this without issue continually. At Free Body Physical Therapy, we understand that several problems can cause someone to suffer from balance problems. Fortunately, we […]