Can Physical Therapy Help Gait?

physical therapy near 60651

Do you ever feel unsteady on your feet? Have you noticed pain or discomfort in your hips or knees when walking? If these problems sound familiar, you could be dealing with gait problems. Gait abnormalities stem from various causes and quickly disrupt your daily functioning. At Free Body Physical Therapy, physical therapy near 60651, our […]

How Do You Treat A Collapsed Arch?

When it comes to your feet, you probably want to do everything in your power to keep them healthy and in good shape. This is especially true for those with collapsed arches or flat feet, a condition where one or both feet have no arch when standing. While most patients with collapsed arches don’t experience […]

Does Coffee Aggravate Arthritis?

Coffee is one of the most popular drinks that many people consume daily. When it comes to arthritis, there is often discussion about whether it is good or bad for your condition. Our team at Free Body Physical Therapy would like to discuss some of the health implications of coffee, how it can affect arthritis, […]

Is Dry Needling Good For Tennis Elbow?

Tennis elbow is a condition that, despite its name, doesn’t only happen to those who play tennis. If you are experiencing pain or weakness on the outside of your forearm or elbow, dry needling is an exceptional therapy that can provide significant relief. At Free Body Physical Therapy, we implement dry needling into our tennis […]

Tips To Prevent Joint Pain

The joints form the connections between your bones and provide support and stability as you move. Joint damage from an injury or disease can hinder your mobility and cause significant pain and discomfort. Joint pain is a common ailment we see at Free Body Physical Therapy.  Our experienced physical therapists are well versed in diagnosing […]

What Is A Preventative Health Assessment?

Manual Therapy Chicago

At Free Body Physical Therapy, we believe that physical therapy allows patients to have the best quality of life by diminishing pain and helping them reclaim function. Several people can benefit from physical therapy. Contrary to popular opinion, physical therapy is not only helpful for treating injuries. Physical therapists are experts in providing impactful preventative […]

Why Does Fall Weather Worsen Arthritis?

For those who suffer from daily aches and joint pain, cooler temperatures can increase discomfort. Some people who are dealing with arthritis notice that their pain worsens during certain times of the year. If you find that seasonal changes are triggering arthritis flare-ups, our team at Free Body Physical Therapy can help! We can evaluate […]

Physical Therapy Treatment For Achilles Tendonitis

Foot Pain Chicago

Are you someone who has just started to take up running and is now suffering from constant aches and pains in the back of your legs? Has pain developed as a result of a sudden increase in activity? If you answered yes to either of these questions, you may be dealing with Achilles tendonitis. At […]

5 Holiday Giving Options Offering Healthful Returns

Give Back Be Fit_Chicago Physical Therapy

The Holiday Season is a time for giving, and that includes supporting causes and organizations that make our communities stronger. It’s in this spirit that Chicago physical therapist Marc Gregory Guillen shares some holiday giving suggestions which offer a more healthful return than simply writing a check. “As a physical therapist, my goal is to […]

Volunteering Benefits Seniors Physically & Mentally

Health Benefits of Volunteering_Chicago physical therapy

For some, the Holiday Season can be a time of social isolation and loneliness. This can be especially true for older adults who live alone. Research shows social isolation can have adverse effects such as depression, reduced cognitive function, decreased activity, and many physical conditions. For instance, we tend to see more instances of issues […]