Create Heart-Healthy Habits During Heart Month

February is American Heart Month, a time when health professionals like physical therapists strive to raise awareness about maintaining and improving cardiovascular health. The month also serves as a sobering reminder that, as a society, we must do a better job of preventing heart disease, which continues to be the leading cause of death in […]
Help a Loved One Live a More Active, Healthful Life

We typically wish for those we love to live their best, most healthful lives. That’s why it can be both frustrating and worrisome when a loved one slips onto a more sedentary lifestyle track – one that could be harmful to their long-term well-being. You want to help them recommit to exercise and fitness, but […]
PT Successful in Removing Weight-Loss Barriers

Weight loss is one of the top New Year’s Resolutions made by Americans each year, according to multiple sources. Yet, studies conclude that only 8 percent of people actually achieve their annual goals, including those who seek to live healthier, more active lives. While some may point to their busy lives and the lack of personal willpower […]
Exercise to Ease Chronic Anxiety This Year

A new year offers the potential for new opportunities and experiences. For those who struggle with general and consistent anxiety, however, the prospect of the new year and the expectations that come with it can be tricky to maneuver. It’s with this in mind that our physical therapy team reminds you of one of the most natural and effective […]
No Time for Exercise? Make Time for Movement.

Don’t have time for exercise? Perhaps, say physical therapists, it’s time to reframe what true exercise looks like. After all, exercise doesn’t require a gym, special equipment or a high intensity. Down to its core, exercise is simply movement, and despite being busy, most of us have plenty of time to move around every day. The key, […]
Can Exercise Ward Off Cold and Flu Symptoms?

As cold and flu season approaches, so does the season of illness prevention. From getting flu shots to adding a little extra Vitamin C to our diets, prevention often becomes a focus for those concerned with getting sick, missing work and/or school, and optimizing the joy of their upcoming Holiday Seasons. It’s based on this […]
Study Shows Cardio Exercise Aids Stroke Survivors

Following a stroke, the rehabilitation process often focuses on improving the survivor’s ability to move and perform everyday tasks, with a lesser emphasis on general aerobic fitness. This is likely a mistake – at least when it comes to long-term endurance and quality of life. A recent study published in an August 2019 edition of the Journal of the American Heart Association shows […]
6 Physical Therapy Myths during National PT Month

October is National Physical Therapy month, a time when physical therapists like Dr. Marc Gregory Guillen of Chicago not only celebrate their profession, but also educate others about the role physical therapy plays in improving the health and vitality of their patients … and of health care in general. While a physical therapist’s roles are both broad and diverse, Dr. Guillen says several misconceptions […]
5 Exercises for Improving Balance & Preventing Falls

When we’re young, falls are treated as teaching opportunities. “Get back on your feet, brush yourself off and keep moving toward your goals,” we were told. But as we age, falls take on a much greater significance. When someone of advanced age falls, they tend to suffer greater distress to their health as well as their pocketbooks. In other words, a fall can greatly impact a senior’s ability to […]
Save the RICE for First-Aid, Not Healing & Recovery

For decades, the standard and recommended response to an injured muscle, tendon or ligament was to “apply RICE,” an acronym that stands for a protocol of rest, ice, compression and elevation. Yet these days, according to Chicago physical therapist Dr. Marc Gregory Guillen, the application of RICE as a treatment for these sports-type soft-tissue injuries isn’t 100 percent supported by […]